
Showing posts from 2017
From time to time I like to do an alphabetical list of the attributes of God, letter by letter.  Of course God is the very essence of everything that is G ood and P erfect but the exercise does help me to focus on what God is doing in my life at that moment.  So-- A lmighty, B eautiful, C aring, D evoted, E ternal, F ervent, G reat, H eroic, I ntense, J ust, K ing-sized, L oving, M agnificent, N oble, O mniscient, P owerful, Q ualified, R oyal, S atisfying, T remendous, U nusual, V ictorious, W orthy, X traordinary (okay I need a little help here), Y outhful, Z ealous.  What does your list look like?

Amazing God

Scripture is filled with passages that begin with but God, then God, and God. When it does, be prepared to be amazed!  God is going to do something that only God can do.  The same is true of life.  When I come to the very end of myself; when I've tried everything I know to try; when I finally realize it's not my show...but God.  I have wanted to try this blogging thing for awhile.  It's a step toward publishing the two books I've been writing for a very long time.  But God said "Wait, it's not time yet.  I need to share some other life stuff with you first." (God probably didn't say stuff, but you know what I mean) So, I continued to journal and wait.  I continued to journal and listen.  I continued to journal and research.  Now it's time.  God said so. This first step is scary but God is faithful.  This first step is intimidating but God gives me peace.