
Showing posts from August, 2017
From time to time I like to do an alphabetical list of the attributes of God, letter by letter.  Of course God is the very essence of everything that is G ood and P erfect but the exercise does help me to focus on what God is doing in my life at that moment.  So-- A lmighty, B eautiful, C aring, D evoted, E ternal, F ervent, G reat, H eroic, I ntense, J ust, K ing-sized, L oving, M agnificent, N oble, O mniscient, P owerful, Q ualified, R oyal, S atisfying, T remendous, U nusual, V ictorious, W orthy, X traordinary (okay I need a little help here), Y outhful, Z ealous.  What does your list look like?